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Vedic Meditation Course.

“My mind is too busy to meditate”

If you have a very busy mind or trouble sleeping at night, this technique is for you. 

” If you can think a thought you can meditate, it’s a very easy effortless technique.  “

The Vedic Meditation technique is taught live and in-person step by step over four consecutive days. Here’s how the sessions are structured on a typical 4-session course: 

Session 1: (90 minutes) The personal instruction

Session 2: (90 minutes) Establishing a correct meditation practice.
  The practice of effortlessly allowing the mind to settle.

Session 3: (90 minutes) How the body responds to meditation. The mechanics of stress release.

Session 4: (90 minutes) Integration & follow-up support. How to become a daily meditator and enjoy all the benefits. The sessions are fitted in to meet your needs and can be done online. 

After this course you will have learnt a technique you can use your self twice a day morning and afternoon for 20 minutes, having a clearer state of thinking and achieving more with less effort in your daily activity.